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I support the idea that the fire, practice and beliefs of progressive causes must live within the party as an entirety, meaning also that principled, practical compromise (e.g. the tipping/wages issue, key to our working constituents, frankly) ought to be good. It is always lucrative to run against any establishment--- explains a lot about how Trumpus won--yet I am not convinced that there's a target named Curtis who qualifies as establishment when reaction and stultifying GOP policies are indeed the establishment holding our state and country back. (And i support Liano's bravery and firm commitment, plus astute attention to rules, which we need.) "Curtis for Chair" will bring many parts of the state together, I believe supporting the Black Caucus, Rural Caucus, Women's C and more, exhibiting huge organizing potential across the state for these difficult years. Rex Hauser, Mason Precinct Two Delegate

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